If you have recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident you may now be feeling the damage and injury that can occur from even a “minor impact”. You may be surprised to find that you feel pain and soreness, even if you thought you were “fine” immediately following the accident.
Injury may include damage to the muscles, ligaments, nerves, discs and bones. These can lead to symptoms which can include headaches, neck pain, back pain, pain into the arms and legs, numbness and tingling, memory loss, ringing in the ears, change in vision and more.
Immediately following an impact your body begins to go through a series of changes or stages of healing. It can sometimes take hours or days before you begin to feel the full effects of these changes. You may have been told that you will be fine and that your symptoms will go away. More often this is not the case! Emergency Room visits are used to rule out life threatening injuries, and are not designed for ongoing treatment and care.
The Doctors of Allied Chiropractic have advanced training in the evaluation and documentation of motor vehicle related injuries. They have treated thousands of victims of Motor Vehicle Accidents. They are graduates of the San Diego Spine Research Institute, where they studied Whiplash Traumatology.
If you believe that you may have injures, and have questions or concerns about how these injuries might affect you in the future, contact us about treatment options.
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